* Monitor Blood Glucose levels and keep them within a good range.
* Check your feet every day for any changes such as cuts, grazes, swelling, blisters etc. Use a mirror or ask a friend to check the soles.
* Have a daily cleansing routine for your feet, wash in warm water and dry throughly paying special attention to between the toes.
* Mosturise your feet to keep them soft and supple, by using a thin coat of moisturiser on the tops and soles avoiding in between the toes.
* If your feet are classed as Low Risk then use a pumice stone to smooth corns and callus. Do not use over the counter products or sharp objects on corns and calluses.
* Cut your toenails by following the shape of the toe and file the edges.
* protect your feet by wearing socks and shoes at all times. Never walk barefoot.
* Wear supportive, confortable well fitting shoes. Check the inside of the shoe before putting on the foot to ensure the lining is smooth and ther are no objects inside.
* Protect your feet fromm extremes of hot and cold:
Wear cotton or woolen socks in bed if you have cold feet.
Refrain from using your feet to test bath water.
Do not use hot water bottles or heat pads on your feet.
* Keep the blood flowing to your feet by:
Exercise regularly
Elevate your feet when possible
Wiggle your toes, cirulate your ankles for 5 min, 3 times a day
Refrain from crossing your legs for long periods
If you smoke – Give up!