Verruca Treatment

What is a Verruca? (Plantar Warts)

A verruca is a wart or benign growth that can appear anywhere on the foot; most people get one at some point in their lives. They vary in size ranging from singular tiny ones, to large multiple clusters sometimes joined together & sometimes separate. They can appear rough or smooth, round or irregular in shape. They are white in colour, some have black dots & others don’t, depending on the type of HPV Virus that has caused the infection.

Book Verruca Treatment
photo of reconstructed toenails

Verrucas and corns can look similar, however, corns are areas of hardened skin caused by pressure and friction, not a virus.
If you are unsure as to whether you have a verruca, corn or another infection, it is always best to visit a professional podiatrist who will be able to advise you.

Market Street Clinic is a front runner in the treatment of verrucas. We use Swift Microwave Verruca Treatment, which is the quickest and most effective form of treatment currently available for verruca and plantar warts. This treatment, initially developed for the treatment of cancer, uses microwave energy to treat the affected tissue and can stimulate tissue deeper into the skin than traditional methods, eliminating the virus. A revolutionary new therapy that is quick, convenient and thorough, it is perfect for those with busy lives.


  • Verrucas do not cause any real harm, but can spread.
  • They can become painful, but most verrucas are painless and often
    not detected until they have become well established and visible.
  • They can make people feel embarrassed but they are extremely common.
  • Verrucas hurt when pinched not when pressed.
  • They can crack and bleed.


How do you get a verruca?

  • A virus called the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV causes a verruca.
  • Contaminated surfaces when walking barefoot and close skin contact with others can cause the virus to spread.
  • If skin is scuffed or damaged, verrucae are more likely to enter and infect the skin.
  • The top places to catch the infection are at swimming pools (on the floor), communal showers and changing rooms as they thrive in warm damp conditions.


Plantar Warts and Verruca Treatment: How to Get Rid of a Verruca?

  • ‘Some’ verrucas disappear on their own but not most. The skin on the sole of the foot is very thick so the virus is able to stay undetected from the bodies immune system for a very long time.
  • Most treatments work by persistently agitating the virus which then eventually encourages an immune response that will then destroy the virus.
  • Topical treatments from a chemist. Although they can be effective they do not always work. Professional treatments from a Podiatrist are more rapid and aggressive.
  • Cryotherapy (freezing). This involves the application of liquid nitrogen to freeze the verruca. Repeated weekly applications are usually required.

We are the only clinic in the area to have two different types of cryotherapy treatments.

  • Acid treatments, Salicylic acid, Silver nitrate are amongst the types we use at Market Street Clinic.
  • Laser therapy. We have found laser therapy to be very effective on a particular type of verruca.

Most treatments can only work quickly if the verrucas are caught in the very early stages. No time scale can be specified because it depends on an individual’s immune system.

  • Swift microwave therapy has recently been developed for the treatment of long term verrucas and is very effective.
    • Home remedies such as tea tree oil or duck tape and garlic are not usually effective, & people tend to spread them during self-treatment. It is best to tackle the infection professionally.

    It is also best to seek Podiatry treatments if:-

      – If there is a lump on the foot that may need a proper diagnosis.
      – If you are immune-suppressed (cancer or transplant patient)
      – On steroids.
      – Diabetic or have any other health problems.


    How to stop a verruca spreading.

    If you think you have a verruca you should make sure you take all the necessary precautions to stop the verruca spreading to others.
    These include:-

    • Cover the verruca with a waterproof plaster or special verruca sock if swimming.
    • Do not share towels.
    • Do not walk barefoot by a pool, in a bathroom or other communal areas.
    • Never scratch the verruca as you may spread the virus.
    • We recommend that you seek a professional podiatrist should you be concerned about any warts/verrucas that you have.

    Book Verruca Treatment with Swift